Prospectus for the Kiwanis Club of Sendai, Inc., Children's Fund

The mission was accomplished.

Message from the 2010-11 President of the Kiwanis Club of Sendai

Message from the President of the Kiwanis Club of SendaiKiwanis is one of the three major global volunteer organizations, with over 8,000 clubs spread throughout the world in over 80 countries.

With its motto "Serving the Children of the World", the major service activities of Kiwanis are for children with special emphasis on young children.

The Kiwanis Club of Sendai was established on June 23, 1971 as the sixth Kiwanis club in Japan, and has a long tradition of service activities.

After the devastating earthquake and tsunami disasters in Eastern Japan, the club decided to establish its "Children's Fund" to provide mid-and-long term help to those children who experienced extreme hardships, in collaboration with the Bikki Organization Miyagi.

We would appreciate your understanding of and cooperation with the service activities of the Kiwanis Club of Sendai and its Children's Fund.

Kunitoshi TANNO, 2010-2011 president, Kiwanis Club of Sendai

Kiwanis Club of Sendai, Inc., Children's Fund Steering Committee
(1 October, 2015--30 September, 2019)

Tadao ODA (Chair)

Kiwanis Club of Sendai, Inc., Children's Fund

It was established in commemoration of the club's 40th Anniversary immediately after the earthquake in Eastern Japan on March 11, 2011.
Its purpose is to help those children who experienced extreme hardships caused by the earthquake and tsunami. 

The contributions to the Fund from Kiwanians and others in Japan and from all over the world will be used to provide mid-and-long term help to these children so that their hopes and dreams will come true in the future.

The details on the relief activities will continue to be provided on this Web page.

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